Monday 13 January 2014

Change Starts With Us

My friend shared this video on her Facebook and the title really caught my eye. It is about the world of porn and sex trafficking. I obviously know that sex trafficking is a serious problem around the world, but I did not really understand the impact and/or influence that porn has on the sex trafficking industry.

Click this link to watch the video...

I found this quote to be extremely insightful...

'The key thing about sex trafficking is supply and demand and without the demand, the supply would dry up'

People do not realise that by purchasing/downloading and watching porn... they are contributing to this very serious problem. The change starts with us! People do not realise that they are fuelling an industry that exploits women.

So, what can you actually do about this problem? Follow the steps 'pray, share, give' as Tony Anderson discusses in the video above or please visit for more information.  

Until next time! :) 

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