Sunday 22 December 2013

Learning About Myself

We had to create a personal cultural mind map. The task description required us to prepare a visual mind map that analyse our own cultural awareness through looking at our culture, knowledge, experiences and behaviours.

I was quite sceptical and scared about writing my cultural mind map because I am not really in touch with my cultural background and a religious belief. But, I have realised that it isn’t just about ‘where you came from’ and ‘what you believe in. It is about much more than that. I believe that my family, my friends, my education, my experiences, my behaviours, and my interests have shaped me into the person I am today and my view of the world.

I seriously believe that my family have taught me everything that I know about the world I live in. They love me, inspire me, motivate me, respect me, support me and accept me. They are everything to me. They have never tried to change me… they accept me for me. I believe that I have had an extremely blessed life and it would not have been possible without my family, I seriously owe everything to them. 

Completing this task has made me realise that I need to be more grateful towards my family, especially my family and friends. I have learnt that I do not need to ‘change the world’ but I can do little things within my community to help others and make their lives a little brighter and happier.  

Until next time! :)

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