Monday, 23 December 2013

Food Wastage

I was watching the news last night and the news reporter was talking about food wastage being a contemporary global issue. The headline stated that...
 Australian households throw out a staggering $8 BILLION worth of food every year!

The headline really caught my attention so I wanted to find out more. After doing some research, I feel like this topic needs to be addressed, as Australian's waste an enormous amount of food when there are so many people that go hungry in the world each day. With Christmas only a few days away and families consuming a large amount of food. What can families do with their Christmas leftovers? I know that after our Christmas feast, there are always leftovers and we do not know what to do with them. We do not want to throw them out but we usually eat out with family and friends so we do not get the chance to enjoy the leftovers. And I am sure that there are more households out there that do not know what to do either.

Want to limit your food wastage?... Here are some tips...

An unbelievable amount of food is wasted in Australia each year. That got me thinking about how much food the entire worlds population waste each year, so I did a little more research. I found that according to the United Nations Environment Programme approximately 1.3 BILLION tonnes of food produced in the world for human consumption is wasted each year.

This could be a huge problem in the future. Studies predict that there could be a food shortage in 10 years! This is due to the world’s population expanding combined with the effects of climate change.

So, what can you do with your left over food instead of throwing it out? Check out this video to see some ideas about what to do with food that isn’t edible anymore.

Jon Dee founded ‘Foodwise’ which is part of Do Something’s campaign. It attempts to reduce the environmental impact of food consumption in Australia. It provides Australians with information and advice about food wastage and what they can do to reduce their food wastage. 

“We need a global solution to ensure food is not rotting in bins while people go hungry” (Jon Dee, CEO of Foodwise)

Please visit for more information about this wonderful campaign.

Until next time! :)

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