Monday, 20 January 2014

An inhumane "cultural tradition"

I’m referring to the drive hunt dolphin killing that occurs in Taiji, Japan. Every year, fishermen and divers gather hundreds of dolphins into a secluded bay where they select a few dozen to sell to marine parks and aquariums and brutally kill the rest for their meat. It’s an annual dolphin hunt made famous by an Academy Award-winning documentary called the “The Cove” which shows the bloody and cruel slaughter of dolphins in Japan.

I feel that the documentary caught the attention of its viewers, but also millions of people around the world. I haven’t actually watched the documentary because I know that I wouldn’t be able to handle watching the brutal scenes - I feel physically ill just looking at some of the images. I think it's important to share this information with people and that's exactly what I'm trying to do here through blogging about. I’m extremely disgusted by the inhumane actions of Japanese fishermen and divers and I’m sure I’m not the only one. US Ambassador Caroline Kennedy took to Twitter saying, “Deeply concerned by inhumanness of drive hunt dolphin killing”.  

Yoshihide Suga (Japan’s Chief Cabinent Secretary) defends the actions of Japanese fishermen and divers stating...

“Dolphin fishing is a form of traditional fishing in our country”


Today, dolphin drive hunting is banned in Hawaii so here’s hoping that Japan is next to stop the unjust slaughter of innocent dolphins.

Please show your support by signing a petition to stop the brutal killing of these magnificent creatures. I showed my support by signing a petition called 'Global Olympic Dolphins' that I found at The petition is asking the International Olympic Committee to NOT consider Japan's Toyko 2020 Olympic bid, until the Japanese Government agrees to make dolphin hunting illegal in Japan. Please help us put an end to dolphin hunts in Taiji. 


ABC Environment 2014, Japanese fishermen capture dolphins ahead of slaughter, ABC, accessed 21 January 2014, <>.  

The Age 2014, Dolphin slaughter begins in Taiji as protests grow, Fairfax Media, accessed 21 January 2014, <>.  

Until next time! :)

Monday, 13 January 2014

Change Starts With Us

My friend shared this video on her Facebook and the title really caught my eye. It is about the world of porn and sex trafficking. I obviously know that sex trafficking is a serious problem around the world, but I did not really understand the impact and/or influence that porn has on the sex trafficking industry.

Click this link to watch the video...

I found this quote to be extremely insightful...

'The key thing about sex trafficking is supply and demand and without the demand, the supply would dry up'

People do not realise that by purchasing/downloading and watching porn... they are contributing to this very serious problem. The change starts with us! People do not realise that they are fuelling an industry that exploits women.

So, what can you actually do about this problem? Follow the steps 'pray, share, give' as Tony Anderson discusses in the video above or please visit for more information.  

Until next time! :) 

Sunday, 5 January 2014

The Destruction of an Australian Landmark

What am I?
  • The world’s largest reef system, stretching 2300 kilometres
  • Can be seen from outer space
  • Home to breathtaking marine plants and animal life such as coral, jellyfish, fish, sharks, rays, whales and dolphins

Hopefully you would have guessed that I am talking about the Great Barrier Reef. Last year, I was lucky enough to go scuba diving in the beautiful Australian landmark. It was such an amazing experience, I remember the water being sky blue and the creatures being bright and magical. Like nothing I had ever seen before.

I was browsing my Facebook news feed and came across a post about the Abbott Government approving a coal port to be built in the Great Barrier Reef. I could not believe what I was reading, so I did some more research and read that this shocking statement was actually TRUE.

I came across an article that stated that the Abbott Government approved that a massive coal port would be built about 50 kilometres north of the Whitsunday Islands, which is located in the heart of the Great Barrier Reef. The dredge soil will be dumped into the Great Barrier Reef.

“The expansion would make the Great Barrier Reef the world’s largest coal port”

It is unbelievably sad that this development has been approved. It is going to create HUGE problems for the marine plants and animal life that call the Great Barrier Reef their home. I can not even imagine what damage the dredging will create for the Great Barrier Reef at large. The Great Barrier Reef generates about 69,000 jobs and boosts our economy by approximately $5.68 BILLION in 2011-2012. The coal port is going to destroy the environment, communities and peoples livelihoods.

Recent reports state that the decision on whether to allow the coal port expansion has been delayed till Friday 31st January 2014 but more action is needed...

Please support ‘Save the Reef’ by signing the petition to save the Great Barrier Reef and jumping on Twitter or Facebook by sharing this image; 

Until next time! :)